Digital Marketing Agency in Lekki Lagos

5 Problems That Affect A Digital Marketing Agency In Nigeria

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Digital Marketing Agency In Lagos

As with everything in this life, there are always two sides to a coin.

Even a digital marketing agency in Nigeria can encounter different facets of problems.

Of all the benefits and pledges that digital marketing offers; it still has its failings some of which we will touch on in this write up as well as the stylish possible ways to gauge and mediate this problem. 

For this article, we would be basing our analysis and data on the experiences of top marketing agencies in Lagos.

The kind of problems that these businesses have to overcome to get results for their clients.


Digital Marketing Agency In Nigeria

This is one of the major challenges that a lot of top marketing agencies in Lagos encounter when taking on briefs from small businesses.

These businesses want to gauge up against bigger challengers with the help of one of the top digital marketing companies in Lagos with little or no structured marketing budget in comparison. 

This attestation is delicate because, for every cent you put into advertisements, these bigger jumbos put in knockouts of thousand making the pool lower and lower every time for the lower businesses to break into.

A lot of these small businesses then start looking for ways to cut corners to squeeze out the maximum yield they can get from their tight budget.

Some go as far as reaching out to experiential marketing agencies in Lagos with the view of getting a lower budget as opposed to going digital but in the end it all still boils down to the cash at hand.

Exercising a small marketing budget can indeed be challenging, especially when competing with larger companies that have significant financial resources to invest in advertising and promotional activities by hiring the services of the top marketing agencies in the world.

However, there are several strategies that small businesses can employ to maximize their marketing efforts even with limited funds. 

Here are some tips:

By focusing on specific demographics and interests, you can make your marketing more efficient and avoid wasting resources on a broad audience.

Take advantage of free marketing opportunities like creating a Google My Business listing, getting listed on online directories, and participating in online communities and forums where your potential customers might be.

Encouraging satisfied customers to help spread the word about your business by offering them incentives or creating referral module programs can help generate word-of-mouth marketing at a low cost.

Focus on creating valuable, engaging, and shareable content that resonates with your audience.

What can also be done to maximize your lower budget is to use more complex and sophisticated digital marketing practices that utilize rates and practical rudiments to your GMB runner (this refers, to how your business appears on Google Maps and search results when people look for products or services you offer.), similar to Q&A, converse, or bulletins (These are interactive features on your Google My Business listing. Question and Answer) allows potential customers to ask questions about your business, and you can respond to them.).

Increase your neighborhood and original social media presence by using position markers in your bulletins and posting about your immediate position this can be achieved by streamlining your Goggle my business runners and Goggle Map reviews by asking callers to post and tag your services on the app.

These enterprises can raise your mobile hunt ranking and boost your neighborhood-specific digital marketing KPIs. 

It’s better advised that you select your battles to not stretch your resources thin.

contending on all social media channels might not be doable, so it’s better to look at the exact bones

where your business is thriving and doing stylish and concentrate your energy and finances there.

The difficulty of covering multiple social media individualities has been avoided by that and now you can dominate your named channels. 


Digital Marketing Agency In Nigeria

The online platforms are a veritably large business and due to its smash, virtually all businesses are tapping into this juice in haste to reach a wider and bigger target followership. 

According to a check carried out by Experian, a lot of marketing agencies in Lagos, content creators, and indeed particular businesses find it hard to make their brand/ product stand out due to the multitude of analogous or nearly related content that is made available on the internet.

This ultimately makes it close to insolvable to execute a crusade to raise brand recognition or induce new leads and guests. 

The stylish strategy to employ against this is to find what gives your product the edge over challengers, your unique and name selling point to communicate your product’s or service’s USP.

Carry out checks and exploration of both your target followership and current users as this helps you understand exactly what they want. ask, and need; helping you better in your target marketing to the online community.

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Digital Marketing Agency In Nigeria

Digital & experiential marketing agencies in Lagos at times run varying ads and content for your business, product, or brand and whatever lead generation channel is being used for the campaign either a landing page, google or Facebook forms, etc seems to be fully due to a lot of clicks but also you realize that a larger percentage of them doesn’t fall within your buyer persona (want or need your product) due to not inescapably a fault of the marketing agency.

A lot of time when this occurs it might be due to budget constraints and slice of corners.

This can be extremely frustrating as a lot of time, energy and cheddar must have been put into this and the clicks gotten do not give a commemorative value. 

As a marketing agency in Nigeria that has had skin in the game for a while now.

we’ve cooked a simple result to this.

The first thing you need to look at is whether; is this the stylish channel for your product.

A lot of time individuals, brands, companies, and associations choose the wrong platform or channel to push their product due to following multitudes to do what they suppose works for those people.

That Facebook works for A doesn’t mean it’s the best platform for your product.

As an Hr establishment running a crusade on Instagram might yield low conversion as opposed to LinkedIn. Know where your cult is. 

This then is why carrying out an explorative study and research before any digital marketing ad campaign is incredibly important.

There are some effects that need to inescapably be checked off before you embarked on running a media campaign or advertisements some of which is “Is your website completely optimized and ready to accept the kind of business the crusade would bring ” “The web design and content are they right for the kind of target audience you hope to attract ” “ is your ui/ux simple, helpful and user friendly? If people find it hard to navigate easily it would be a cause for lower conversion ” one further thing to consider is the loading speed of your website.

The mortal mind’s focus and attention span is seconds and if your website contents and images do load within many seconds their attention can be easily switched to some other available commodity that might not be yours.


The digital marketing strategies employed by a marketing agency in Nigeria have continued to change over time as the media/ internet has continued to acclimate its algorithms to suit individual tastes and preferences.

This further than ever is the major reason why it’s best to outsource the work to the professionals in top digital marketing agency who keeps studying the changes in trends and algorithms to help use them to the benefit of your businesses and products to ensure a high conversion rate.


This is one of the biggest problems that’s being faced when you embark on digital marketing either as an individual or as a digital marketing agency in Nigeria.

There have been cases where online security has been jeopardized.

A lot further data is been changed online these days and hackers now have further provocations than ever to identify security loopholes.

Shopping, paying bills, submitting operations, ordering clones of important documents, and so much further are maintained online for accessible access, making these locales a gold mine. 


Since the importance of the work is done online, entering the world of digital marketing in Nigeria does have a cost in terms of security breaches. Security poses a problem.

It’s possible that you formerly have a dependable firewall, HTTPS encryption, and conceivably a dependable antivirus product.


But it’s not sufficient. You will bear further.


This is while we recommend getting a dependable security firm to help determine the apps and weak points of your website to reduce peril and possible security exposures. 



Digital marketing problems and difficulties would keep rising against the background of an uninterrupted increase in the operation of individuals and businesses on these social media platforms to help push their products.

Digital marketing will keep evolving and it’s the challenge that digital marketing agencies in Nigeria need to keep trying to overcome every day to give better results.