Digital Marketing Agency in Lekki Lagos

Beachtv Media Your One-stop Shop For All Your Marketing Needs

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Beachtv Media

These days, it has become increasingly challenging to find a digital marketing agency that offers a comprehensive range of services.

With the rapid evolution of technology, agencies have started to specialize in specific areas.

While this specialization isn’t necessarily meant to exclude potential clients, it does have its limitations.

At Beachtv Media, we understand that companies seeking to consult a media agency typically assume that the agency will be able to fulfill all of their digital marketing needs.

At Beachtv Media, we recognize this dilemma and strive to address it.

We not only provide a wide array of digital marketing services but also offer disruptive and innovative creative solutions for your brand.

We understand the difficulties involved in hiring multiple marketing agencies to handle various aspects of your marketing requirements.

For example, you might need a digital marketing company to manage your online campaigns, a graphic designer to create visually appealing designs for your brand, a product manager to oversee your latest invention or product, and a cinematographer/videographer to handle your video productions.

Beachtv Media Agency

At Beachtv Media, we are well aware of the exhaustive journey involved in managing these diverse needs.

Therefore, our approach is to provide you with all the services necessary to grow and enhance your product, and much more.

As a marketing agency, Beachtv Media has earned a track record for creating some seriously fresh and subversive strategies to help their clients achieve their marketing goals.

Like how about 2 years ago we successfully brokered an acquisition for a client in the ballpark of over 1.3 billion Naira in rollover income.

This was achieved through smart strategising, painstaking planning and very long brainstorming hours.

The client in question had approached Beachtv Media about providing them with brand communications support. 

Instead, we surprised them with a left-field acquisition idea.

It is safe to say that at Beachtv Media, we are not here to play it safe.

We are here to shatter boundaries and leave a lasting impact in the marketing industry.

We are ready to crash through the clutter, turn strategies upside down, and create an earthquake in the industry.

Picture it: a tsunami of innovation that will have competitors scrambling to keep up.

We are introducing never-before-seen techniques to the marketing table, all the whilst embracing cutting-edge technologies, and cooking up campaigns so unique and mind-blowing they will have audiences in awe.

BeachTv Media - Our Unique Services Includes;

  • Website Development:

At Beachtv Media, we have got the secret sauce to fine-tune your website and boost its SEO, catapulting you straight to the top of the food chain.

And hey, forget about walking down the aisle— we will practically wed you to those coveted high rankings!


  • Copywriting & Scriptwriting:

But that’s not all! Brace yourself for an indulgence like no other.

Beachtv Media is ready to shower your brand with witty and seductive words that will leave your target audience thirsty for more.

Think of us as the masters of linguistic persuasion, luring prospects with irresistible phrases and making your competitors green with envy.


  • Graphics Design:

Oh, and we are not done yet! At Beachtv Media, we got an arsenal of top-notch designs up our sleeves that will turn heads, captivate hearts, and make your brand look so good it will be irresistible.

Prepare for a stampede of prospects rushing towards your door, begging for a taste of what you are offering.


  • Cinematography/ Video Production:

A well-crafted campaign video has the power to address any challenge and achieve remarkable results.

An excellent example is the recent ‘Esther’ video by Airtel, which successfully evoked emotions and captivated audiences, significantly enhancing the brand’s reputation upon its release.

At Beachtv Media, we offer the expertise of dedicated professionals who are committed to creating customized video productions that receive widespread acclaim and recognition.

Our goal is to elevate your brand to its rightful position of prominence, and we are prepared to work tirelessly day and night to achieve that.


After executing over 70 great campaigns, for more than 20 brands/personalities, Beachtv Media is rebranding.

We are changing and charging up, so we can bring even more explosive ideas across advertising, digital marketing, PR & communications, branding, traditional/experiential marketing, photography production, event management, IT…


You know that light at the end of the tunnel everyone keeps talking about? Well, Beachtv Media is not just merely promising to bring it to you; we are cranking up the intensity so high, you won’t be able to miss a single step.

At Beachtv Media, we are here to bring you to the sunniest and brightest side of marketing, where success and growth are non-negotiable.


So, are you ready to take a leap with Beachtv Media? Say goodbye to mediocre strategies and hello to the greatness that awaits.

The choice will be tough, my friend—choosing between a great marketing strategy and an even greater marketing strategy.

But hey, isn’t that the kind of dilemma you have always wanted to have?


Get ready to shine, because Beachtv Media is about to make waves in your world of marketing.

We will bring you to the sunny and bright side of marketing.


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