Digital Marketing Agency in Lekki Lagos

BeachTv Media

Digital Marketing Company in Lagos Nigeria

Digital Marketing in-Nigeria

You don’t need a digital marketing company that will enthrall you with explosive strategies but fail to provide real-time results.


To experience the true power of digital marketing with a noticeable impact on your business growth, you need the expert services of our result-driven digital marketing company.


Over the years, we have assisted businesses in achieving massive growth. We have helped businesses find their brand voice and built a credible, memorable brand identity for them. Basically, we’ve successfully assisted businesses in reaching the right audiences and gaining solid footing in their industries.

As a business, what are you struggling with?

You’re probably curious about how our digital marketing company stands out from other agencies. We’ll highlight two key distinctions, even though there are numerous others.



Let’s use a common example to illustrate what a full-service marketing company means. Imagine you need groceries, home appliances, and some new clothes. Would you prefer going to a local market, where you have to visit multiple individual stores to find each item, or would you rather go to Shoprite and easily purchase all these items together at a discounted rate, all in one place? 


We are the Shoprite of digital marketing, your one-stop shop for all your digital marketing services. As a full-service digital marketing company, we focus on your business needs and develop strategies that will boost your business in order to achieve your business’ goals.


Unlike many other agencies, that focuses on just one core digital marketing service, leaving out to dry whilst scouting for the rest, to fill the gap. We aren’t a one-size fits all agency. In as much as we cast a wide net, we are strict on producing results for you.


Want to learn more? Find a service that suits you

Here’s A List Of Services You Can Get From Our Full-service Digital Marketing Company

  • Website Design and Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Pay Per Click Management
  • Video Production
  • Content Writing
  • Email Marketing
  • Technical SEO

Our Creative Approach To Producing Result-driven Digital Marketing Services To Clients


Many businesses perceive website creation as a waste of time and money, largely due to overlooking its profound benefits. A well-functioning website not only lends credibility to your business but also serves as a powerful tool to attract customers both locally and internationally.


Beachtv Media Agency specializes in creating custom, mobile-friendly, and search engine optimized websites that can help you surpass your business goals and objectives. We develop websites capable of supporting your digital marketing campaigns to reach a broader audience and foster customer loyalty.


We blend creativity with data to produce visually appealing websites that set your brand apart. Our websites engage your audience and encourage them to take desired actions. Our website developers have a unique touch, integrating clear calls to action (CTAs), interactive template designs, simplified form fields, and crafting a compelling content persona for your brand.

Rest assured, with us, you are in safe hands for creative website design and development. Feel free to explore some sample website designs for our clients below:


Do you ever wonder why some businesses thrive successfully on social media while others struggle to get by? It’s often because they haven’t fully grasped the incredible benefits that social media marketing brings to the table.


Here at Beachtv Media Agency, we’re passionate about leveraging the potential of social media for businesses like yours. Let’s break it down:

First off, social media is where your customers are hanging out—whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), or LinkedIn. It’s not just about posting gorgeous pictures; it’s about engaging with your audience, building relationships, and turning followers into loyal customers.

Imagine having a strategic social media plan tailored specifically to your business goals. We are talking about creating buzz, increasing brand awareness, and driving sales—all through the power of social media.

Our team doesn’t just create content; we craft experiences. We will develop captivating visuals, write compelling copy, and use clever strategies to spark conversations and boost engagement.

And here’s the best part: social media is measurable. We’ll track key metrics to show you the real impact of our efforts—whether it’s increased website traffic, more inquiries, or a spike in sales. We can’t overemphasize this point, we show results! Evidence must choke!

So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level and drink from the overflowing ocean of possibilities of social media marketing, Beachtv Media Agency is here to make it happen.

 marketing results:


At Beachtv Media Agency, we’re all big on maximizing your ROI through expert PPC management. How can PPC catapult your business? We’ll use a simple example to highlight the relevance of PPC and why your business needs it:


Imagine we create a great digital marketing campaign for your brand, and we promote it on platforms. Due to the promotion, your ad appears right at the top of Google search results when potential customers are actively looking for your products or services. That’s the magic of PPC. We’ll craft targeted campaigns that put your business in front of the right audience at the right time.


Our PPC experts don’t just set it and forget it. We’re constantly optimizing your campaigns to ensure you get the most bang for your buck. From keyword research to ad copywriting to bid management, we’ve got it covered.


And the results? Unbelievably increased website traffic, more leads, and ultimately, a boost in sales. We’ll provide you with transparent reports so you can see exactly how your investment is paying off.


Here’s the best part: you’re in control of your budget. With PPC, you set the budget based on your goals and we’ll work our magic to deliver results within your parameters.


So, if you’re ready to stop wasting time and start seeing real results with PPC advertising, Beachtv Media Agency is here to take your business to the next level.

digital marketing agency in nigeria


Lights, camera, action! Are you ready to bring your brand to life through the impressive video production?

We’re passionate about creating captivating and impactful videos that resonate with your audience.

Why choose video production as part of your marketing strategy? Let us show you:

Video is king in the digital age.

It’s dynamic, engaging, and memorable. Whether it’s a brand story, product showcase, or customer testimonial, video content has the power to leave a lasting impression.

Our talented video production team doesn’t just shoot footage; we tell stories.

We’ll work closely with you to understand your brand’s unique voice and craft videos that capture the essence of your business.

From concept to post-production, we handle it all.

Our services include scriptwriting, filming, editing, and even adding that cinematic flair that sets your videos apart.

The best part? Video content is incredibly versatile.

Use it on your website, social media platforms, email campaigns, or even during presentations. It’s a versatile tool that can drive engagement and conversions across multiple channels.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level with video? Let Beachtv Media Agency be your creative partner. 

Lights, camera, let’s make magic happen! Check out some of our standout video productions:


We specialize in creating high-quality content that not only engages your audience but also drives results. Investing in professional content writing is crucial for your business and here’s why:

Content is the linchpin of your digital presence. Whether it’s your website, blog, social media, or email newsletters, impactful content is key to attracting and retaining customers.

At Beachtv Media Agency, we have a team of talented writers who excel at crafting persuasive and SEO-friendly content. From informative articles to engaging blog posts and persuasive copywriting, we’ll tailor our content to resonate with your target audience.

Our content isn’t just words on a page—it’s a strategic asset designed to enhance your brand’s authority and credibility. We’ll conduct thorough research to ensure that every piece of content is not only informative but also optimized for search engines.

Let us help you tell your story through compelling content that drives engagement and conversions. Whether you’re launching a new product, promoting a service, or simply looking to connect with your audience on a deeper level, our content writing services will help you achieve your goals.

Ready to take your content to the next level? Browse through some of our standout content pieces


Email is personal and direct. It allows you to connect with your audience right in their inbox, delivering tailored messages that resonate with their needs and interests.

Our email marketing skill is second to none. We have cracked the secrets to crafting engaging and conversion-focused campaigns. Whether it’s a promotional offer, a newsletter, or an automated drip sequence, we’ll create compelling content that drives action.

We don’t believe in generic blasts. Our approach is strategic and data-driven. We’ll segment your audience, personalize your messages, and optimize send times to ensure maximum impact.

The results speak for themselves. From increased website traffic to higher conversion rates and improved customer retention, email marketing delivers measurable outcomes that contribute to your bottom line.

Let Beachtv Media Agency be your partner in email marketing success. We’ll help you build and nurture relationships with your audience, turning prospects into loyal customers.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Contact us today to discuss your goals, or take a look at some of our successful email campaigns:


Is your website optimized for success? Technical SEO could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

At Beachtv Media Agency, we specialize in technical SEO strategies that boost your website’s performance, enhance user experience, and drive organic traffic.

Do you know why your business needs our technical SEO services? Let’s give you an exhaustive breakdown of the significance of technical SEO and why it is crucial for your online presence:

Technical SEO focuses on the backend elements of your website that impact search engine visibility and user experience.

From site speed and mobile-friendliness to crawlability and structured data, we optimize every aspect to ensure your site is search engine-friendly.

Our team of SEO experts stays ahead of the curve with the latest industry trends and best practices.

We will conduct a comprehensive audit of your website, keyword research, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategic solutions to enhance your site’s overall performance.

What is the ultimate goal? To improve your website’s rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more qualified traffic to your site.

We’ll optimize your website’s architecture, fix technical issues, and implement schema markup to enhance your online presence.

Technical SEO isn’t just about algorithms—it is about creating a seamless experience for your users.

We will optimize your website to load faster, navigate smoother, and provide valuable content that keeps visitors coming back for more.

Take your website to the next level with technical SEO.

Let Beachtv Media Agency be your guide.

We’ll demystify the technical aspects of SEO and help you achieve sustainable growth in organic search.

Reach out to us today to discuss your SEO goals, or check out some of our successful technical SEO projects:

digital marketing agency

Are you ready to work with our digital marketing company to catapult your business to the next level? Contact us today.

If you are still skeptical about what your business truly needs, go ahead and book a free consultation with us now.

We want to work with you, and we are confident that we can help you reach your business targets for this year.

Our digital marketing company services are tailored to helping businesses like yours secure the topmost spot in their industries’ food chain. Let’s talk business.