Digital Marketing Agency in Lekki Lagos

Struggling to get traffic?

drive results with our

SEO Service

Drive Real Revenue Growth

Get proven agency experience that drives real revenue growth. Witness the difference. Transform your marketing. Grow your business. As a leading SEO agency in Lekki, Nigeria, we possess tested and trusted SEO practices guaranteed to put you at the top of Google search results.

Extensive Digital Audit

We look into your business and see how it currently ranks against others on search engine results. We see what is working and areas that can be worked on to ensure that your business ranks better.

Extensive Digital Audit

Keyword/SEO Strategy

Our experts carefully research the most relevant and targeted keywords in your niche and craft an extensive SEO strategy that is both on-site and off-site to enable you to achieve ranking for your business.

Keyword/SEO Strategy

Results That Speak

Our growth strategy is carefully monitored to ensure all KPIs are met and exceeded. Join the ride. Let’s drive your business to success.

Results That Speak

Local SEO

Reach nearby customers online, and increase traffic to both your website and offline location.

International SEO

Help you get your business recognized on the international scene.

Link Building 

Get authentic website authority with link building, which is sure to leave you at the top of the searches on Google.


Did you know that around 3.5 billion searches are made daily world wide and the top 5 searches get about 68% of the clicks? SEO is an important tool for businesses, and only those who put in the work are going to succeed. Want to know what “succeed” means? Well, it’s coming up on the first page of a Google search. With the power of SEO, get to the first page of relevant keywords, that your clients are searching for, giving you greater visibility and bringing quality traffic to your website. As the leading agency in Nigeria, we can help you outrank your competition with our detailed strategy, and take your business to the first page. So, here’s a question for you – Can your business afford to miss out on the first page of a Google search?

Keyword Research
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Competion Analysis
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Onsite Optimization
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Offsite Optimization
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Our SEO Service Plan

As the leading agency in Nigeria, we can help you outrank your competition with our detailed strategy, and take your business to the Google first page


Great For Individual Customers
N 150 K
Code Analysis / Site Planning
Keword Research
Keyword Planning
Competition Analysis
3 Blog SEO Post
Google Analytics
Google Console


Great For Individual Customers
N 250 K
Code Analysis / Site Planning
Keyword Research
Keyword Planning
Competition Analysis
6 Blog SEO Post
Google Analytics
Google Console
Quick Indexing
Real Time Dashboard

Our Prices

While our packages have customized costs, ranking on the first page of search results is a journey, and clients may choose to take slightly various paths to get there. We provide clients with consultations to determine the best way to work within their budget and timeframe to start their SEO