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Why You Need The Service of a Creative Agency In Lagos

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Why You Need The Service of a Creative Agency In Lagos

Do you own a business that you are struggling to keep afloat? Is the wave of this revolutionary economy shaking the foundation of your business?

No matter the industry category your business belongs to, you need fuel – a creative agency in Lagos – to accelerate your business with you.

It will take more than magic and intense prayers to revive a sinking ship, so the safest advice is to prevent the occurrence of such an ominous event by being meticulous with your planning, building, and execution phases.

The best way to cement the success of your business is by consulting professionals to handle the technical and marketing aspects of the business (such as research, customer and competitor analysis, creative content creation, promotional advert placements, website building, social media management, branding, etc.), and these are the services Beachtv Mediaa creative agency in Lagos – can offer you.

In the following paragraphs, we will extensively discuss the services you can get as a startup business looking to penetrate the market successfully, an existing business looking to expand beyond the local market landscape, a struggling business fighting to remain rooted in the competitive market, or just a business looking to rebrand, have a change of philosophy, draft a new vision/mission, and win a larger share of the new, revolutionary, tech-savvy market.

As a creative agency in Lagos, we take pride in helping brands achieve their marketing goals, and we take business growth more personally than usual.

So, stick with us as we take you on a short virtual tour into the workings of our creative agency in Lagos.

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Why You Need The Service of a Creative Agency In Lagos

In this series, we would be analyzing the services we offer as a creative agency in Lagos using a recent feat we achieved for a client as a case study. 

  1. Strategic planning: Do you simply get up in the morning, get dressed, and leave your house with no sense of direction or an initial plan? I bet you don’t. This is how important planning is in every business, and we at Beachtv Media Agency place great emphasis on the planning aspect. Before taking on a brief from a client, we meticulously conduct our research. We gather necessary information from the client, such as their business goals/objectives, target audience, vision, and mission. We gather these details to aid our research and strategic planning process, which informs the document we create to achieve the client’s goals.

In this case, our client wanted to generate and convert more leads, and we delivered excellently. Although it wasn’t a smooth process.

It involved a lot of thinking, sleepless nights, burning the midnight oil, chaos, and dramatic moments, but we pulled through nonetheless. We are not just a creative agency in Lagos focused on simply delivering our services.

We are committed to providing you with a euphoric experience, akin to a beautiful day at the beach. We blend creativity with disruption to provide a uniquely fused business idea that will elevate your brand and get people talking about you.

  1. Brand storytelling: There is a famous quote that reads, “Facts tell, but stories sell.” Most people still remember about 80% of the stories they were told as children, both fiction and non-fiction. Stories have a unique way of transporting us to an unknown world of wonders and keeping us there until they choose to release us. In other words, stories are a persuasive way to communicate with people and elicit an emotional reaction from them, depending on the type of story being told.

Keep in mind: people don’t buy what you sell; they buy WHY you sell. The story comes before the products. As a creative agency in Lagos, we have assisted many brands in telling their stories in a unique and distinctive way.

We will help provide a suitable voice for your brand and assist you in building a cohesive brand identity that will positively transform how prospects and clients perceive your brand.

What is your current brand story? Are you reaching the right people? What are your target audience saying about your brand? How strong is your brand identity in the vast sea of your industry?

If you don’t have positive responses to our questions above, then don’t worry. We are here to help you create an effective rebranding strategy and give you a strong voice that will not get lost in the crowd.

  1. Creative Content Creation: Content as we know it is the ‘oba’ (king) in the marketing community. This is why creators, businesses, and everyone else are so particular about crafting exceptional content. Quality content has the power to captivate your audience and compel them to take desired actions. It serves as the driving force behind engaging your audience and providing them with insights into your business. Think of content as the side attraction in a circus show; it is purposefully created. It can educate, entertain, inform, or persuade your target market.

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Understanding all of this about content creation, it’s crucial to keep your audience’s interests in mind when developing your content strategy. As a creative agency in Lagos, we excel in this arena. In essence, we can help you create delectable and enticing content that will leave your audience craving for more. Our professional team specializes in bringing your ideas to life.


We firmly believe that every platform, be it Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and more, should have its own unique voice that effectively speaks to the segmented target audience. Therefore, we have honed our skills in visually crafting compelling content, including photography, videography, illustrations, and graphics, to creatively showcase your products, services, or brand story. Book a consultation with us now.


  1. Traditional Marketing: Those creative advertisements you see on billboards, newspaper covers, flyers, or hear on the radio fall under the category of traditional marketing tactics. However, we’ll focus primarily on the most common ones to keep it engaging. When we say we are dedicated to helping you pinpoint your target audience and reaching them where they are, we’re not making empty claims. We can assist you in crafting creative ads (as a bonus, we can employ guerrilla marketing techniques that save costs while leaving an unforgettable impact on your audience’s minds) that will amaze your audience and transform them into loyal consumers.
Why You Need The Service of a Creative Agency In Lagos

You might wonder why we emphasize traditional marketing over digital marketing. We recognize that the world is evolving, and more people are leaning towards digital platforms.

However, this doesn’t negate the fact that traditional marketing still holds a significant place in today’s marketing landscape. Traditional marketing is a form of advertising that is here to stay, which is why every creative agency in Nigeria has uncovered innovative ways to ensure your brand excels in it.

We have devised fresh and effective approaches to make whichever marketing method we select for you (after careful research on what suits you best, of course) work for your brand. Our commitment lies in building brand excellence for our clients and helping them achieve their business goals.


  1. Digital Marketing: We take pride in our ability to craft exceptional ad copy, promotional materials, and targeted ads that not only generate leads for your brand but also strengthen your brand identity. What kind of digital marketing service do you need? Give us a call now; we’re always ready to assist you.


However, it’s essential to recognize that digital marketing goes beyond ad campaigns, promotional materials, and video content creation. It also involves analytics, where you meticulously analyze your content and target audience to determine what’s working and what isn’t. You then leverage what works and refine your strategy to address areas that need improvement. Often, you require the expertise of a professional agency to help you dissect these challenges, and that’s precisely what we offer as a media agency in Nigeria.


Additionally, there’s the concept of growth marketing, where every plan and strategy is meticulously designed to drive substantial business growth for our clients. We can assist you in realizing any plan you aspire to achieve.


At Beachtv Media, we are more than just a creative agency in Lagos; we are your dedicated partners in achieving marketing excellence.

We have a proven track record of success from our campaign planning phase down to the execution phase. You can confirm from our works here and sneak peak what our clients have said about us.

We are a result driven agency. Whether you require outstanding content creation, traditional or digital marketing solutions, analytics insights, or growth-focused strategies, we have the expertise and passion to make it happen. Your brand’s success is our ultimate goal, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today, and let’s embark on a journey to elevate your brand to new heights of excellence. We look forward to serving you and helping your business thrive in the dynamic world of marketing.